Loans & Grants from the National Disability Institute

National Disability Institute provides referrals for assistive technology grants for hearing and vision aids, standing wheelchairs, home and vehicle modifications, business equipment, and more. For those who need to purchase their AT, the program offers affordable loans (4% interest) for the purchase or refinancing of assistive technology. Lending terms are favorable and there is no income limit. The loans may be a credit-building opportunity for those age 18 or older.


ABLE National Resource Center: Provision of independent information regarding the availability of ABLE savings/investment accounts for people who have had a disability that began before age 26. 

SSI does not count ABLE savings up to $100,000 towards the SSI resource limit. Any amount of ABLE savings is not counted towards any type of Medicaid limit.

ABLE account owners who are working may contribute extra earned income into their ABLE account:

  • Contributions may include direct deposit for holidays, gifts, 529 college rollover, and/or from a trust of up to $17,000 per year, for 2023;

  • ABLE account owners who work and do not have contributions to a retirement account for the year, may deposit up to an additional $13,590 to their ABLE account from their employment income.

  • To date, ABLE account owners are averaging $9,300 in ABLE savings and investments; considerably more than the $2,000 limit that was imposed, prior to the ABLE Act.


For more information, please contact:

Laurie Schaller
Manager Financial Empowerment
National Disability Institute

1701 K Street, Suite 1000, Washington, DC 20006


Toll-Free: 877.771.1962